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Monday, November 12, 2007

Islam and Modern Science

*~part of the lecture by Seyyid Hossein Nasr *~

Now today, I shall limit my discourse to Islam and its relation to modern science. This is a very touchy and extremely difficult subject to deal with.
Many people feel that that in fact there is no such thing as the Islamic problem of science. They say science is science, whatever it happens to be, and Islam has always encouraged knowledge, al-ilm in Arabic, and therefore we should encourage science and what’s the problem? -there’s no problem. But the problem is there because ever since children began to learn Lavoiser’s Law that water is composed of oxygen and hydrogen, in many Islamic countries they came home that evening and stopped saying their prayers. There is no country in the Islamic World which has not been witness in one way or another, to the impact, in fact, of the study of Western Science upon the ideological system of its youth. Parallel with that however, because science is related first of all to prestige, and secondly, to power, and thirdly, without [science] the solution of certain problems within Islamic society [is difficult], from all kinds of political backgrounds and regimes, all the way from revolutionary regimes to monarchies, all [governments] the way from semi-democracies to totalitarian regimes, all spend their money in teaching their young Western science.

And therefore I want to begin by first of all by expressing for you, (making things easier, categorizing it a bit), three main positions which exist in the Islamic world today as far as the relationship between Islam and modern science is concerned, before delving a bit more deeply into what my own view is. First of all, is the position that many people re-iterate.

This position itself is not something new. It is something that was inculcated in many circles of the Islamic world during the past century and going back historically, it was the position taken up by Jamaluddin Al-Afghani who migrated to Egypt and called himself Al-Afghani. The famous reformer, a rather maverick [figure], of the nineteenth century was at once a philosopher, political figure, Pan-Islamist and anti-Caliphate organizer.
He came up with views :~

1) science per se is what has made the West powerful and great. And the West is dominating over the Islamic world because it has this power in its pocket. And since this is being allowed, this is being done, there must be something very positive about this science, that science itself is good, because it gives power.

2) science came from the Islamic world originally and therefore Islamic science is really responsible for the West’s possession of science and the West’s domination of the Islamic world itself. And therefore, all the Muslims have to do is to reclaim this science for themselves in order to reach the glories of their past and become a powerful and great civilization.

And the gist of his views :~

1) it equates the Islamic science with Western science which, in fact, it is not the same.

2) it equates the power of the West with the power of science. To some extent this is true, but not completely so.

3) it believes that acquisition of this science of the West [by the Muslims] is, no more no less, than the
Muslims claiming their own property which has somehow been taken over by another continent and [the
Muslims] just want back what is really their own.

Now, this point of view had a great deal of impact upon the Islamic world, upon the modernist circles, and in order to understand what is going on in the Islamic world today it is important to see what consequences flow from this.

I want to pursue what happened to Jamaluddin’s thesis in the nineteenth century. The modernists in the Islamic world [are] one of three important groups that came into being in the nineteenth century. The other two being those who are now being dubbed as the fundamentalists, a term which I do not like at all but which is now very prevalent, and third, those who believe in some kind of Mahdiism, some kind of apocalyptic interference of God.

The modernists took on this thesis of Jamaluddin, and during the last century and a half, they have carried the banner of a kind of rationalism within the Islamic world which will accord well with the simple equation of science with Islamic science and with the Islamic idea of knowledge, al-ilm. [Interestingly,] as a consequence of this, the Islamic world during this one hundred and fifty year period produced very few historians of science and very few philosophers of science. It produced a very large number of scientists and engineers, some of whom very brilliant and studying in the best institutions of the world like here, but it produced practically no major philosopher and historian of science until just a few decades ago. This problem [was just left aside] because it was uninteresting and irrelevant, and all the debate that was being carried out in the West itself about the impact of science upon religion, upon the philosophy of science, [about] what this kind of knowing meant, these were circumvented, more or less, in the Islamic educational system.

The modernists forces within the Islamic world, decided to neglect and overlook the consequences of Western science, either philosophical or religious and felt that Islam could handle the matter much better than Christianity. [They felt] that there was something wrong with Christianity [as] it buckled under the pressures of modern science and rationalism in the nineteenth century, and this would not happen to Islam. Certain Western thinkers, in fact, followed this trend of thought.

Today, every Thursday evening when you turn on Cairo radio there are one or two very famous lecturers who are, in fact, very devout Muslims, loved by the people of Egypt, [and] the heart of their message is every single verse of the Quran which deals with either Ta’akul or Taffakur, that is intellection or knowledge or observation or mushahida. These [verses] are interpreted ``scientifically’’, that is, as an attempt to preserve Islam through scientific support for the Islamic revelation, for the Quran itself. And this is a very strong position in the Islamic world today. Therefore [the Muslim] thinks in fact there is no problem as far as Islam and modern science are concerned.

Today people of that kind of background, again want nothing to do with a discussion of the philosophical implications of science, but very much identify themselves with the Al-Afghani position, that science is al-ilm and let’s get on with it, let’s not bother with its implications. This is a [very important] position which I have traced for you rather extensively, because it is still very much alive in the Islamic world today.

p/s: This is the first position of the science in Islamic world today.......The 2nd position i will post it soon......with the other discussion......Hope you can understand what he trying to say....If not......

Download the soft copy of his lecture in my 'Islamic file' on this blog (on the side frame of this blog)........

Sunday, September 23, 2007

NICE STORY - from Ibrahim Ali........

A traveler once came to the mosque to see the prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) after greeting
the prophet, he was asked where he was from. The traveler replied that he came from very
far just to get a few questions answered.
Following is the dialog between the traveler and the prophet.
Traveler : I do not want adha'b (punishments) to be written in my account.
*Prophet : Behave well with your parents *
Traveler : I want to be known amongst people as an intelligent person.
*Prophet : Fear Allah (Jalla Jalaluh), always. *
Traveler : I want to be counted amongst Allah's favorites.
*Prophet : Recite Quran every morning and evening. *
Traveler : I want my heart to always be enlightened. (Roshan and Munawer)
*Prophet : Never forget death. *
Traveler : I never want to be away from Allah's blessing.
*Prophet : Always treat fellow creatures well. *
Traveler : I never want to be harmed by my enemies.
*Prophet : Always have faith in only Allah. *
Traveler : I never want to be humiliated.
*Prophet : Be careful of your actions. *
Traveler : I wish to live long.
*Prophet : Always do Silat-Arahem. (Goodness towards blood Relations) *
Traveler : I want my sustenance to increase.
*Prophet : Always be in wudhoo (Ablution). *
Traveler : I wish to stay free of adhahb in the grave.
*Prophet : Always wear pure (paak) clothes. *
Traveler : I never want to be burned in hell.
*Prophet : Control your eyes and tongue. *

Traveler : How do I get my sins forgiven?
*Prophet : Always ask forgiveness from Allah with a lot of humility.
Traveler : I want people to respect me always.
*Prophet : Never extend your hands of need at people. *
Traveler : I want to always be honored.
*Prophet : Never humiliate or put down anyone. *
Traveler : I don't want to be squeezed by fishare qabr. (Squeezing in the grave)
*Prophet : Recite surat Al-Mulk (The Dominion) often. *
Traveler : I want my wealth to increase.
*Prophet : Recite surat Al-Waqiah (The Inevitable) every night. *
Traveler : I want to be safe and at peace on Day of Judgment.
*Prophet : Do zikr (Praises) of Allah from dusk to night. *
Traveler : I want to be in full attention and concentration during prayers.
*Prophet : Always do wudhoo (Ablution) with concentration and attention.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007




Pengenalan Diri

Nama: Iblis La’natullah

Tarikh lahir: Sejak ia enggan sujud kepada Adam setelah diperintahkan oleh Allah

Status diri: Fasiq kelas pertama

Agama: Kufur

Tempat tinggal: Hati2 orang yg. lalai

Kawasan/Daerah: Semua tempat yg. tidak ada di dalamnya usaha mengingati Allah

Tunjuk arah perjalanan: Bengkang bengkok (tiada haluan)

Tempat tinggal tetap: Neraka Jahanam

Isteri di dunia: Setiap wanita yg tidak menutup aurat

Kaum kerabat: Semua golongan Taghut

Satus Perniagaan

Modal pusingan: Angan-angan kosong

Tempat pertemuan: Pasar (not mean we cannot go to pasar, but see the purpose of

going there)

Musuh/Saingan: Setiap orang Islam

Dalil/Hujah: Fatamorgana (maya)

Motto kerja: “Hipokrasi asas akhlak”

Uniform kerja: Segala warna, seperti sesumpah. Setiap tempat ada warnanya (pemutar belit)

Kesukaan: Orang lalai dari mengingati Allah

Yang melemahannya: Istighfar

Lambang korporat: Sebarang tatu

Pejabat: Tandas dan bilik air

Sifatnya: Muzabzab. (Ikut suka hati mak bapak dia)

Rakan kongsi: Golongan munafiq

Sumber rezeki: Harta haram

Jenis perkhidmatan: Menyeru manusia berbuat mungkar

Jawatan: General Manager golongan al-Maghdhubi alihim dan golongan ad Dhallin

Tempoh perkhidmatan: Sampai hari kiamat

Hala perjalanan: Neraka

Laba perniagaan: Habaan Manthura (masuk angin keluar asap)

Rakan kongsi: Syaitan dari kalangan jin dan manusia

Teman sejawat: Orang yg berdiam diri dari menegakkan kebenaran

Jenis tanggungan: Pembohongan

Ganjaran: Dosa dan segala jenisnya

Kaedah komunikasi: Mengumpat, mengadu domba, fitnah

Makanan kesukaan: Daging org mati (ghibah)

Yang ditakuti: Orang mu’min yg. bertaqwa

Yang dibenci: Lelaki dan perempuan yg. mengingati Allah

Daya tahan: Lemah (Sesungguhnya daya tahan syaitan sangatlah lemah [4:76])

Perangkap: Wanita

Kegemaran: Menggoda dan menyesatkan

Cita-cita: Supaya semua manusia jadi kafir

Ajal: Waktu tertentu menjelang kiamat

Kerja yg. paling disukai: Homoseks dan lesbian

p/s: Setelah mengetahui sifat2 musuh anda, masihkah anda mahu menjadi rakan kongsi/ teman sejawat/ sahabat syaitan? Be wise in choosing your f!r!i!e!n!d

created by chickncheese...... (

Sunday, September 2, 2007

wanita dlm islam-nilainya tinggi di sisi Allah

assalamualaikum wbt..

izinkan saya quote cerita yg bagi saya personally sungguh indah n penuh makna...

Bertanya si adik kecil pada sang bidadari berwajah manusia..."Wahai kakakku, kenapakah lemah sungguh kaum hawa itu, asyik berteman tangis dan sendu sahaja."

Lalu berbicara si bidadari berwajah manusia;"wahai adikku. Bukan wanita itu lemah dek kerana
tangis dan sendunya. Tapi disitulah wahai adikku, kekuatan utuh tak ternilai andai pandai digunakan sebaiknya. Tangis sendunya wanita itu wahai adikku, bisa meleburkan ego seorang lelaki... menjadi 'izzah' yg plg gah bahkan lebih gah dr egonya seorang lelaki. Kerana sendu rayunya wanita itu, Musa a.s terselamat dr kekejaman Firaun. Duhai adikku, lembut wanita itu bukan lemah, tp senjata."

Si adik tidak berpuas ati. Lalu dipertikaikan lagi..."Namun wahai kakakku, wanita itu fitnah dunia."

Tersenyum sang bidadari berwajah manusia."Pernahkah adikku dengar akan pesanan Ilahi pd hambanya? Wahai para lelaki yg beriman, tundukkanlah pandanganmu. Lalu Allah berfirman lagi antaranya bermaksud, wahai para wanita yg beriman, tundukkanlah pandanganmu, dan
tutuplah auratmu. Lantas cuba adik nilai, pd siapa terlebih dahulu ALLAH dahulukan pesanannya?

Pada hamba yg bergelar ar-Rijal. Kerana, andai sang lelaki menjaga pandangannya, maka tidak
mungkin terlihat akan wanita yg menjadi fitnah pd dirinya. Dan tidak ALLAH lupakan pesanan buat wanita, agar memelihara auratnya kerana disitu lah kehormatannya. Sesungguhnya para wanita-wanita syurga bergelar Hurun 'Ain itu, mereka tidak memperlihatkan diri mereka kecuali pd para suami mereka sahaja. Dan mereka dikatakan wanita2 yg suci. Namun... wanita yg beriman itu, kata Rasulullah, lebih tinggi martabatnya! Bukan fitnah semata-mata jikalau ar-Rijaal dan an-Nisa' sama2 mematuhi pesanan Ilahi itu! Sesungguhnya wanita yg beriman yg solehah itu lebih baik dari ribuan lelaki yg soleh."

Adik masih x puas ati.

"Tapi kakakku, kenapa wanita itu menjadi peragaan? Tidakkah mereka merasa malu??"

Sang bidadari berwajah menguntum senyum penuh makna. Adus, semakin terasa mendalam
kasih sayang pd penghuni jannah ini!"Wahai adikku sayang. Al-Haya' itu dalam diri setiap insan. Wujudnya seiring dengan nafas insani. Dan al-Haya' itulah pakaian iman. Pada diri wanita itu, indah al-Haya' sebagai pembenteng diri. Namun, bila mana al-haya nya lebur, imannya runtuh.Kenapa mereka merelakan diri menjadi peragaan? Kerana mereka sebenarnya paranoid.
Merasakan diri tidak cukup menarik... merasakan belum cukup lagi dunia melihat diri mereka.
Mereka sebenarnya golongan yg kalah dr segi psikologi. Namun adikku... wanita solehah itu pasti melindungi diri mereka dr perbuatan murahan itu."

Adik garu2 kepala."Jadi kakak, masih adakah wanita yg solehah didunia ini? Bagaimana hendak adik kenali mereka???"

Sang bidadari tersenyum lagi. Hati terdetik moga ALLAH merahmati mujahid kecil ini. Berjihad
dalam dunianya sendiri.

"Wahai adikku. Di zaman Rasulullah, diperintahkan wanita2 yg beriman itu untuk menutupi aurat mereka, dengan itu mereka mudah dikenali sebagai wanita yg bermaruah. Maka demikianla adikku menilai mereka. Tp perlu juga dilihat pd hatinya... pd akhlaknya...

Di zaman ini, tidak susah membezakan wanita yg solehah dan yg toleh. Namun adikku... jgn dikau cemuh wanita yg toleh itu... kerana dlm hati2 mereka, tetap ada satu permata indah... perasaan cinta pd ALLAH... Kerana fitrah cinta pd Rabb itu sentiasa ada dlm jiwa insan. Adikku, mereka ini, tetap punyai keinginan utk kembali pd jalan yg mereka th hak ALLAH. Cuma kadang2 term solehah itu terasa berat di bahu mereka... Kadang mereka takut pd persepsi wara dan alim. Sedangkan itu cumalah persepsi. Hakikatnya, wara' itu bermaksud menjaga.

Maka sesiapa sahaja yg menjaga adalah wara'. Alim itu maksudnya mengetahui. Barangsiapa yg berilmu maka dia adalah alim dlm bidangnya. Persepsi yg salah pd dua perkataan ini menjadikan mereka takut untuk berubah kepada stage yg lebih baik. Kerena begitulah persepsi
masyarakat. Sedangkan mereka alpa... ALLAH tidak menjadikan makhluk (ciptaan) ini tanpa tujuan dan garis panduan. ALLAH tidak zalim kepada ciptaanNYA. bila mana dia menciptakan hawa itu dari rusuk adam... Dia telah mengetahui apakah sebaik2nya buat makhluk bergelar Hawa ini... Ditinggikan martabat golongan HAWA ini... Tapi sayang... golognan HAWA ini kadang2 merendahkan martabat mereka yg ALLAH jdkan penuh kemuliaan...

Wahai adikku... 1001 keindahan penciptaan wanita.Pandai2lah dikau menilai... antara permata dan debu2 kilauan pasir.

Wahai adikku... Wanita ibarat epal. Epal yg tak berkualiti...amat mudah diperolehi kerana ia berguguran ditanah... Tapi epal yg tak mampu dibeli, ia berada di puncak. Susah dipetik, susah di gapai. Terkadang epal itu risau, kenapalah diriku belum dipetik. Lantas ia merendahkan martabatnya dan menggugurkan diri menyembah tanah. Sedangkan ia sebenarnya telah ALLAH jadikan begitu tinggi martabatnya. Sebenarnya..epal itu terlalu tinggi... elok
sifatnya... sehinggakan tiada siapa yg berani memetiknya. Hanya pemuda yg benar2 hebat sahaja bisa memperolehinya... Mungkin bukan di dunia... tp mungkin di akhirat? Biarlah jodohnya bukan di dunia... asalkan cinta ILAHI mengiringinya...tak semestinya dipetik di taman dunia rite? Tp lebih bermakna bile ALLAH sendiri yg mengarahkan hamba yg disayanginya utk memetik di taman akhirat kelak."

aimi says,

masyaAllah!! betapa indahnya penceritaan ini pada jiwa yg mahu mengerti. sebagai manusia yg sentiasa mendambakan kasih sayang Nya, sesungguhnya beruntunglah bg sesiapa yg beriman. sama2lah kita berjuang mendapat tempat di syurga, iA..moga kita kekal di jalanNya

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Why do we 'read'?

Taken from email.....

Dear All,
This is an email sent to me by my father.. And I would love to share this with all of my other brothers and sisters. Have a blessed day.


I wonder if you have seen this before if so it is a good reminder.

An old American Muslim lived on a farm in the mountains of eastern Kentucky with his young grandson. Each morning Grandpa was up early sitting at the kitchen table reading his Quraan .

His grandson wanted to be just like him and triedto imitate him in every way he could. One day the grandson asked, "Papa, Itry to read the Quraan just like you but I don't understand it, and what I do understand I forget as soon as I close the book. What good does readingthe Quraan do?"

The Grandfather quietly turned from putting coalin the stove and replied, "Take this coal basket down to the river and bring me back a basket of water." The boy did as he! was told, but all thewater leaked out before he got back to the house. The grandfather laughedand said, "You'll have to move a little faster next time," and sent him back to the river with the basket to try again.This time the boy ran faster, but again the basket was empty before hereturned home. Out of breath, he told his grandfather that it wasimpossible to carry water in a basket, and he went to get a bucket instead.

The old man said, "I don't want a bucket of water;I want a basket of water. You're just not trying hard enough," and he wentout the door to watch the boy try again.

At this point, the boy knew it was impossible, but he wanted to show his grandfather that even if he ran as fast as he could,the water would leak out before he got back to the house. The boy again dipped the basket into river and ranhard, but when he reached his grandfather the bas! ket was again empty.

Out of breath, he said, "See Papa, it's useless!"

"So you think it is useless?" The old man said,"Look at the basket."

The boy looked at the basket and for the first time realized that the basket was different. It had been transformed from adirty old coal basket to a clean one, inside and out.

"Son, that's what happens when you read the Quraan. You might not understand or remember everything, but when you readit, you will be changed, inside and out. That is the work of Allah in our lives."

~ Jazakallahukhairank athira ~

Friday, August 24, 2007

Problems in the Heart of Teens... many teenagers don't know about their own problems, and bad to say, they thought that some of the problems are the good things to do. O Allah please forgive them....

Below are the problems pointed out by the teenagers themselves during a speech by Dr. Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips. His speech is focuses on the various Haram things that us teenagers are exposed to in modern day society. He answers questions that are relevant to a modern day teenage Muslims.

1) Music
2) Girls
3) Media
4) Video Games
5) Smoking
6) Fashion
7) Body piercing
8) Lazy
9) Crime
10) Disobedience to parents
11) Dissatisfaction of ourselves
12) Gossip and etc.

In fact, all those problems are the symptoms of another big and main problems - like peer pressure, etc

What peer pressure is? Is it good or is it bad?

A group of friends or the people that you are with, they all doing something or they all want to do something and you may not want to do it because you think it is not right, but you may want to do it because everybody near to you do the things. End up by you do the things. This is called peer pressure.

But, what Islam said about peer pressure?

Islam told us not to follow anybody blindly. In other words, dont be blind followers.

Rasulullah said, "The believers or muslims should not to be IMMA'AH".

What is imma'ah...? It is arabic word and there is no exact word in english to describe this word.
We can just say imma'ah is when people are good, you are good, but when people are bad, you are bad.

From this discription, we can say that it is ok when people are good, and this is really trouble when people are bad. That's why Rasulullah taught us not to be blind followers. This is one of the signs of the weakness of the iman and also the weakness of the muslims personality. This is not good.

Besides that, after we are awaken by Allah from the grave, who will be with us is our friends.
If they are bad, wake up with a ugly face because of 'mungkar' they do, is it good to have them besides us in front of Allah? Allah might ask us about our friend that we choose. How to answer it? Nauzubillah. Think of it.

Now, we go to 'music' problem.
What you can say about music that is HARAM? Of course there is Halal music like nasyeed, zikrullah, etc. What do you think they are called Haram and Halal music?

Haram Music is the musics that are contradict with the akhlaq of the muslims. Example, the musics that contain bad languages. In islam, it is haram to say bad thing, even to hear it. Other, example, the haram music instruments like guitar or other string type instruments.
Why they are haram?

They are haram because of they are addictive and hypnotics. They have the ways to go through and sneaking into your heart (capture your heart). This was naturally experimented, when you are always listened to a music, you will remember it. If you left the song for a long time ( not listen to it anymore), you will not remember it, but if there is a little nodes of the song you hear somewhere, for the whole song you will remember it again. That's the power of the music. So, music instruments that make someone can not leave his music instrument when he start playing it is haram. Even bad, he forgot to play his role as a muslim(solat, zikrullah, etc) if he start to play it. Nauzubillah minzalik.

Therefore, for all above problems, what is the solution?

First, make a lot of dua' because it is our 'weapon' to kill all enemy within and outside us.

Second, do not leave Al-Quran, always read It because Al-Quran is the 'direction' of life. There are also some chapter from Al-Quran as our 'spiritual protection. An-Nas, Al-Falaq and Al-Ikhlas. Please read those chapter before you go to bed and also after ecah fardh solat.

Third, make a lot of zikrullah.

Fourth, have a good friends. because of what Rasulullah said, who will be your partner after your grave is your friends. So, please make sure your friend is good.

Fifth, know all your intention when to do something (your intention to Allah).

Sixth, gain as much as possible your knowledge, because knowledge can make you more confident of yourself and then have the personality of a muslim, insyaAllah.

And etc.

Wallahua'lam.......Assalamualaikum w.b.t

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Ya 'Abidal Haramain

Ya 'Abidal Haramain O ye who worships in the vicinity of the Two Holy Masjids! ‘O ye who worships in the vicinity of the Two Holy Masjids! If you but see us, you will realise that you are only jesting in worship. He who brings wetness to his cheek with his tears should know that our necks are being wet by our blood. He who tires his horses without purpose, now that our horses are getting tired in battle. Scent of perfume is yours, while ours is the glimmer of spears and the stench of dust [in battle]. We were narrated about in the speech of our Prophet, an authentic statement that never lies. That the dust that erupts by Allah’s horses and which fills the nostrils of a man shall never be combined with the smoke of a raging Fire. This, the Book of Allah speaks among us that the martyr is not dead, and the truth in Allah’s book cannot be denied.’

Friday, August 10, 2007




On the authority of Ibnu Umar Al-Khattab radiyallahu 'anhu, who said: The messenger of Allah, Rasulullah s.a.w took me by the shoulder and said:

"Be in this world as though you were a stranger or a

Ibnu Umar used to say:

"When evening comes, do not expect(to live till) morning, and
when morning comes, do not expect (to live till evening. Take
ur health (a preparation) for ur illness, and from ur life for
your health."


The Prophet s.a.w, tells the believers how to deal with this life, and as usual he offers his audience with more than one choice. In this hadith, the Prophet s.a.w, is giving 2 choices or levels with regards to living in this world:

1. To be as a stranger

This usually the easier choice. The Prophet s.a.w, used the analogy 'to be a stranger' because, as Ibnu Rajab points out, the stranger usually prepared to eventually go back to his original place or town. His heart will always long for his home. His main concern will be to be in preparation to do whatever possible and beneficial for returning. A stranger does not look like the other people in his current environment - he is different. Similarly, the believer should be different from those who can only care about this life and worldly matters. He should rid himself of the yearning for this materialistic world, a world where some people do not care about the spiritual aspects and the Hereafter. As believers, we should be different from the 'people of this wolrd'.

For the example, a muslimah, she went to work with the uncovered aurah, always talks to the men, wearing lipstick and perfume. She's like the other non-muslim women. She was NOT A STRANGER. But now, she understand about women in islam by reading Al-Quran and Al-Hadith. She starts to wearing hijab, cover herself from the men eyes, not wearing lipstick and perfume anymore, she quits from working becoz she knows that to keep herself from doing 'haram'. She's now become a stranger. Then, her husband ask ..."what's wrong with u? u become an extremist". Then she said, "i'm doing this for Allah and His messenger, not becoz i'm became an extremist". Her husband tell her, " i dont want u anymore". Also now she's completely a stranger becoz her husband didnt recognize her. Alhamdulillah, may Allah give her a better man that also a STRANGER.

Ibnu Al-Qayyim, a famous scholar, says that a Muslim is a stranger amongst the disbelievers and the Mu'min is a stranger amongst the Muslims, and the Muhsin is a stranger amongst the Mu'mins. This means that there are levels of being a stranger: the lowest level is Islam, the second is Iman and the third is Ihsan.

2. The impact of this hadith on the life of Muslims

-To increase the sense of responsibility in terms of our duties towards Allah, the Prophet, relatives, and the community members.
-To motivate the Muslims to enjoin what is good and to forbid what is evil.
-To be closer to Allah at all times.
-To minimize weaknesses, shortcomings and sinful acts.
-To maximize self-accountability and self-reckoning.
-To emphasize taqwa and fearing Allah Almighty.
-To be safeguard from being misled or enslaved by self-interests, desires and worldly temptations.

Written from the Khalid Yasin all can get from here insyaAllah.....

May Allah be with you all always.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Islam memang suruh umatnya jadi KAYA!!!!

“Islam suruh umatnya hidup sederhana, tidak perlulah ada duit banyak-banyak. Buat apa nak jadi kaya.”

“Dalam Islam mana ada suruh umatnya jadi kaya-raya”

Ini antara pendapat yang sering saya dengar bila saya mengajak kawan saya berbual tentang bisnes ataupun tentang kewangan. Memandangkan mereka memberi jawapan begitu, saya tidaklah berhasrat untuk bertengkar lidah.

Tetapi betulkah yang Islam tidak suruh umatnya jadi kaya? Mungkin ramai yang tersalah anggap tentang hidup para sahabat Nabi Muhammad.

Berapa agaknya jumlah kekayaan para sahabat Nabi

Mereka memang hidup bersederhana tetapi mereka sebenarnya tersangat kaya. Itu yang dinamakan zuhud. Zuhud bukannya bermaksud asal dapat hidup, itu sudah mencukupi. Zuhud bukannya menyuruh umat Islam menjadi miskin.

Tetapi Zuhud mengajar umatnya menjadi kaya tetapi hidup sederhana. Contoh paling mudah saya mampu berikan, walaupun harta seseorang itu membolehkannya membeli kereta berharga RM200,000 sekalipun tetapi dia tetap membeli kereta Proton Wira.

Sewaktu membuat persiapan untuk Perang Tabuk, Saidina Abu Bakar telah membelanjakan seluruh hartanya. Manakala Saidina Usman pula telah menyediakan persiapan lengkap 900 ekor unta dan 100 ekor kuda perang.

Kalau hendak dibandingkan dengan zaman sekarang, harga seekor kuda yang sudah dilatih untuh perang sudah mencecah sekurang-kurangnya RM20,000. Itu harga paling murah. Harga unta juga lebih kurang sama dengan harga kuda.

Kemudian cuba darabkan dengan jumlah kuda dan unta yang diberi oleh Saidina Usman; RM20,000 X 1000 = RM20,000,000.

Tidakkah anda dapat bayangkan, itu baru 1/4 daripada harta Saidina Usman. Bayangkan berapa agaknya jumlah harta sebenar Saidina Usman.

Cuba kita fikirkan berapa pula agaknya harta Saidina Abu Bakar yang telah memberikan semua sekali hartanya. Bagaimana pula Saidina Abu Bakar akan meneruskan kehidupan selepas Perang Tabuk?

Sebenarnya memang betul Saidina Abu Bakar telah memberikan semua hartanya sekaligus. Tetapi dia tetap masih mempunyai perniagaan yang mampu memberikannya pendapatan. Itu merupakan aset yang dimiliki Saidina Abu Bakar.

Jadi, sememangnya beliau tidak mempunyai sebarang masalah untuk mendermakan seluruh hartanya kerana asetnya sentiasa menghasilkan duit.

Inilah salah satu rahsia kenapa Islam terlalu kuat walaupun bilangan tenteranya sedikit. Walaupun kekayaan bukanlah salah satu kekuatan yang perlu dibanggakan tetapi janganlah menidakkan hal ini.

Derma sebelum duit bertambah banyak

Kerana itulah Islam menyuruh umatnya menjadi kaya supaya dapat memberikan sumbangan dalam ekonomi Islam.

Seorang jutawan pernah memberitahu saya, “Buatlah charity semasa hidup susah lagi. Supaya perkara itu menjadi habit dalam diri kita sehingga menjadi kaya.”

Terpulang kepada anda untuk hidup bersederhana tetapi Islam tetap suruh umatnya menjadi kaya!

Taken from

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Zain Bhikha-Allahu Allahu

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

A Scientist's Interpretation of References to Embryology in the Qur'an

Keith L. Moore, Ph.D., F.I.A.C.
The Department of Anatomy, University of Toronto, Canada.
Address all correspondence to:
Keith L. Moore, Ph.D, F.I.A.C., Professor of Anatomy and Associate Dean Basic Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario M55 IAB, Canada

Statements referring to human reproduction and development are scattered throughout the Qur'an. It is only recently that the scientific meaning of some of these verses has been appreciated fully. The long delay in interpreting these verses correctly resulted mainly from inaccurate translations and commentaries and from a lack of awareness of scientific knowledge.
Interest in explanations of the verses of the Qur'an is not new. People used to ask the prophet Muhammad all sorts of questions about the meaning of verses referring to human reproduction. The Apostle's answers form the basis of the Hadith literature.
The translations(*) of the verses from the Qur'an which are interpreted in this paper were provided by Sheik Abdul Majid Zendani, a Professor of Islamic Studies in King Abdulaziz University in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

"He makes you in the wombs of your mothers in stages, one after another, in three veils of darkness."
This statement is from Sura 39:6.
We do not know when it was realized that human beings underwent development in the uterus (womb), but the first known illustration of a fetus in the uterus was drawn by Leonardo da Vinci in the 15th century. In the 2nd century A.D., Galen described the placenta and fetal membranes in his book "On The Formation of the Foetus." Consequently, doctors in the 7th century A.D. likely knew that the human embryo developed in the uterus. It is unlikely that they knew that it developed in stages, even though Aristotle had described the stages of development of the chick embryo in the 4th century B.C. The realization that the human embryo develops in stages was not discussed and illustrated until the 15th century.
After the microscope was discovered in the 17th century by Leeuwenhoek descriptions were made of the early stages of the chick embryo. The staging of human embryos was not described until the 20th century. Streeter (1941) developed the first system of staging which has now been replaced by a more accurate system proposed by O'Rahilly (1972).

"The three veils of darkness" may refer to: (l) the anterior abdominal wall; (2) the uterine wall; and (3) the amniochorionic membrane (Fig. 1). Although there are other interpretations of this statement, the one presented here seems the most logical from an embryological point of view.

Figure 1. Drawing of a sagittal section of a female's abdomen and pelvis showing a fetus in utero.

The "veils of darkness" are: (1) the anterior abdominal wall; (2) the uterine wall, and (3) the amniochorionic membrane.

"Then We placed him as a drop in a place of rest."
This statement is from Sura 23:13.
The drop or nutfah has been interpreted as the sperm or spermatozoon, but a more meaningful interpretation would be the zygote which divides to form a blastocyst which is implanted in the uterus ("a place of rest"). This interpretation is supported by another verse in the Qur'an which states that "a human being is created from a mixed drop." The zygote forms by the union of a mixture of the sperm and the ovum ("The mixed drop").

"Then We made the drop into a leech-like structure."
This statement is from Sura 23:14.
The word "alaqah" refers to a leech or bloodsucker. This is an appropriate description of the human embryo from days 7-24 when it clings to the endometrium of the uterus, in the same way that a leech clings to the skin. Just as the leech derives blood from the host, the human embryo derives blood from the decidua or pregnant endometrium. It is remarkable how much the embryo of 23-24 days resembles a leech (Fig. 2). As there were no microscopes or lenses available in the 7th century, doctors would not have known that the human embryo had this leech-like appearance. In the early part of the fourth week, the embryo is just visible to the unaided eye because it is smaller than a kernel of wheat.

Figure 2. Top, a drawing of a leech or bloodsucker.
Below, a drawing of a 24 day-old human embryo. Note the leech-like appearance of the human embryo at this stage.

Figure 3. Left, a plasticine model of the human embryo which has the appearance of chewed flesh.
Right, a drawing of a 28 day-old human embryo showing several bead-like somites which resemble the teeth marks in the model shown to the left.

"Then of that leech-like structure, We made a chewed lump."
This statement is also from Sura 23:14.
The Arabic word "mudghah" means "chewed substance or chewed lump." Toward the end of the fourth week, the human embryo looks somewhat like a chewed lump of flesh (Fig. 3). The chewed appearance results from the somites which resemble teeth marks. The somites represent the beginnings or primordia of the vertebrae.

"Then We made out of the chewed lump, bones, and clothed the bones in flesh."
This continuation of Sura 23:14 indicates that out of the chewed lump stage, bones and muscles form. This is in accordance with embryological development. First the bones form as cartilage models and then the muscles (flesh) develop around them from the somatic mesoderm.

"Then We developed out of it another creature."
This next part of Sura 23:14 implies that the bones and muscles result in the formation of another creature. This may refer to the human-like embryo that forms by the end of the eighth week. At this stage it has distinctive human characteristics and possesses the primordia of all the internal and external organs and parts. After the eighth week, the human embryo is called a fetus. This may be the new creature to which the verse refers.

"And He gave you hearing and sight and feeling and understanding."
This part of Sura 32:9 indicates that the special senses of hearing, seeing, and feeling develop in this order, which is true. The primordia of the internal ears appear before the beginning of the eyes, and the brain (the site of understanding) differentiates last.

"Then out of a piece of chewed flesh, partly formed and partly unformed."
This part of Sura 22:5 seems to indicate that the embryo is composed of both differentiated and undifferentiated tissues. For example, when the cartilage bones are differentiated, the embryonic connective tissue or mesenchyme around them is undifferentiated. It later differentiates into the muscles and ligaments attached to the bones.

"And We cause whom We will to rest in the wombs for an appointed term."

This next part of Sura 22:5 seems to imply that God determines which embryos will remain in the uterus until full term. It is well known that many embryos abort during the first month of development, and that only about 30% of zygotes that form, develop into fetuses that survive until birth. This verse has also been interpreted to mean that God determines whether the embryo will develop into a boy or girl.

The interpretation of the verses in the Qur'an referring to human development would not have been possible in the 7th century A.D., or even a hundred years ago. We can interpret them now because the science of modern Embryology affords us new understanding. Undoubtedly there are other verses in the Qur'an related to human development that will be understood in the future as our knowledge increases.

(*) Even though the translations of the verses of the Qur'an in the above paper were provided by Sheik Abdul Majid Zendani, the links to the translations in this page are from Yusuf Ali Qur'an Translation ( presented by the Alim Online since Sheik Zendani's translation is not available on the internet. (MSA-UTK)

Many thanks to Dr.Jamal Badawi who have brought this article to us.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Hukum Berkawan Berlainan Jantina

Dipetik dari
April 20th, 2007 — mohd masri

Salam Di sini saya ada kemusykilan tentang hukum sekiranya bersahabat atau berkawan dengan ajnabi.Apakah hukum sebenar bg konteks ini?
Saya ade sedikit cerita yang ingin dikongsikan.Maklumat ini diberi oleh kawan lelaki saya.Dia memberitahu saya apabila dia pulang dari Yamen.Dia mengatakan bahawa dia mengetahui satu pendapat dari alim ulama’ iaitu drpd. prof syed najib asybiti yang berpendapat haram hukumnya bagi seorang lelaki dan perempuan berkawan tanpa ikatan dan niat kahwin walaupun untuk tujuan belajar.Jadi,sejak itu kami tidak berkawan lagi.Maka,adakah benar hukumnya begitu?
Diharap sudi untuk menjawab persaoalan ini dan segala kerjasama saya dahului dengan ucapan terima kasih.




Fatawa alQardhawi:

Pendapat dari Yemen itu termasuk pendapat yg keras yang tidak berpijak kepada nas, ia banyak menzalimi wanita dengan pelbagai fatwa yg keras dan ketat hingga wanita terpenjara di rumah-rumah mereka.

Ada juga di sana pendapat kaum Liberal/Women’s lib yang berlawanan dengan fatwa Yemen itu, yakni menyeru wanita meninggalkan syari’at dan lepas bebas spt wanita Barat.

Pokoknya: kedua-dua golongan ini : liberalis yg membebaskan wanita semaksimanya dan aliran keTimuran yg mengongkong wanita, memenjara dan menzaliminya.

Adapun pendapat pertengahan Islam ialah wanita sejak zaman salaf assoleh tidak lepas bebas atau terpenjara di rumah mereka, bahkan mereka aktif keluar bersama kaum lelaki (dlm suasana terkawal) cthnya: ke mesjid utk solat berjama’ah, Juma’at, hari Raya, di mana mesjid tidak ada sebarang tirai pemisah, wanita keluar melakukan dakwah, amar makruf dan nahy mungkar, menghadiri majlis ilmu, menyertai perang jihad, mencari rezki atau berkerjaya, berpolitik, mendapatkan hiburan yg baik, menghadiri perayaan dan menyertai perkumpulan yg membawa manfa’at.

Inilah maksud firman Allah ta’ala”

” dan orang2 beriman lelaki dan perempuan, setengahnya menjadi penolong bg setengah yg lain, mereka menyuruh berbuat makruf dan mencegah mungkar.” AQT 9: 71

Dalam konteks ini, tiada halangan lelaki dan perempuan ajnabi berkawan dan bersahabat serta liqa’ atau pertemuan dalam bekerjasama dalam perkara2 kebaikan: menuntut ilmu, program2 kebajikan dan jihad.

Perincian Dr Abdul Halil Abu Syuqqah (sahabat Dr Qardhawi),
1. Pertemuan dan kerjasama itu hendaklah dalam suasana serius
2. menahan pandangan
3. menghindari berjabat tangan
4. mengenakan pakaian yg menepati syari’at (jilbab)
5. tidak bersesakan dan elok jika ada pemisahan
6. menghindari khulwah (berdua-duaan di tempat sunyi), namun boleh jika:
a. khulwah di kawasan awam yg ada orang ramai
b. beberapa lelaki dengan seorang perempuan
c. seorang lelaki dengan beberapa perempuan..

7. tidak terlalu lama dan berulang
8. menghindari tempat yg mencurigai
9. menjauhi perbuatan dosa

Etika khusus wanita jika keluar mengadakan pertemuan dengan lelaki:
1. jika bercakap tidak menggunakan bahasa yg lunak dan gaya yg menggoda
2. berjalan dengan sopan dan tertib
3. elakkan pergerakan yg manja dan menggoda
4. tidak memakai parfum/pewangi
5. serius dlm berbicara

Syarah Dr Abdul Halim* (Tahriir alMar’ah, Darul Qolam, Kuwait, 1990)amat panjang sekali bukunya membicarakan perihal etika pergaulan lelaki dan wanita secara Islam dalam bentuk rincian setebal 548 mukasurat dan saya ringkaskan shj. Juga Fatwa Dr Qardhawi setebal 22 halaman.

* Dr Abdul Halim Abu Syuqqah wafat 1995 adalah sahabat karib Dr Qardhawi di univ Qatar. Dr alQardhawi (80 tahun) adalah kelahiran Mesir dan menetap di Qatar. WA


Saturday, July 7, 2007

Subhanallah.......please bro n sis.....make ur taubah now....

This post had been deleted as there was so many problem occur.....

To disbelievers, i hope u will be get hidayah frm Allah, and plz do not disturb others religion. It seems Islam is the true and very straight path to follow as many people (disbelievers) want to destroy it. If Islam is not true, why people so concern about Islam? In Islam, we has been taught not to disturb others religion.

To my brothers, may Allah reward u as u concern about Islam. Jazakumullah Khair Kathira.

Islamic Sounds